
Refund and exchange policy

You have 7 days from the day of receipt to obtain a refund for your purchase. If you've changed your mind and would like to exchange the work for a different piece, please let me know within 7 days.

How to contact me if you wish to process a return

Please contact me at within 14 days of receiving your artwork if you'd like to return your purchase.

How to return a purchase?

If you have changed your mind about your purchase, please return the item(s) using the original shipping packing materials. Please include each item(s) in its original packaging, together with a copy of your invoice. 

Please email specifying the returned item and the reason for the return.

You shall receive an e-mail notification upon the completion of the returns process.

When will I receive my refund?

We will refund you the original price paid (in the same currency as purchase) for the returned item, less any adjustments or credits that may have been subsequently issued (if any).

All returns will be credited to the original purchaser's form of payment. The original purchaser's credit / debit card account will be credited upon the processing of the returned item(s), and the credit should appear on the original purchaser's next statement of account.

You will receive an e-mail notification once the refund process has been completed.

Where I ship works to?

I ship artwork within the UK and to most countries internationally. Please enquire before purchasing and note that in some countries, there may be extra duty charges upon receiving your artwork.

How I pack and send works

All artwork is packed and shipped in a firm do not bend envelope with a handle with a care sticker on it to ensure safe arrival to your home or delivery address.

Approximate delivery and shipping costs

All artwork will be shipped out within 5-7 days (unless otherwise specified) and the international shipping costs will be agreed prior to sending your artwork.

Estimated delivery times and how to track (if applicable)

Unfortunately, delivery times are often outside of my control, however, I will do my best to provide a tracking number and follow up on any delayed packages. Please note that due to circumstances beyond my control, delivery times may be longer than expected.